OSHA Inspection & Abatement
OSHA has arrived onsite…What happens now?
Employers are required to comply with OSHA regulations in protecting their employees and providing a safe workplace and failing to do so can have serious consequences. Proper preparation of an action plan in advance is the key in helping you to effectively deal with an OSHA inspection. Having a safety representative on site during contact with OSHA is vital to having an effective defense against alleged violations. Grand Trails Safety can be of help throughout OSHA inspections from the initial contact with OSHA to the closing conference.
OSHA Informal Advocate:
If your company has been cited by OSHA, you as an employer have the option to request an Informal Conference with the OSHA Area Director to discuss your citation and/or discuss abatement dates. This conference must be scheduled within fifteen working days after the receipt of the OSHA citation. Grand Trails Safety can provide you with advice and/ or attend your OSHA informal with you to help with abatement and possibly penalty costs to your company